Stone Circle Review has several ways to let you know when a new poem is published.
- Twitter (@StoneCircleRev) & Bluesky ( Every new poem will be announced on these platforms. For the time being, these are where Stone Circle’s interaction with the poetry community will take place. It is possible that Twitter will be used less moving forward.
- Instagram (@StoneCircleRev): For now, Instagram will be used primarily for new poem announcements.
- Facebook (StoneCircleRev): Same for Facebook.
- Email Subscription ( To receive an email when a new poem is published, go to this page on the Stone Circle site, enter your email address, and click the Subscribe! button. You will receive no other emails and your email address will never be shared.
- RSS Feed ( If you use an RSS feed reader like Feedly or Inoreader, you can subscribe to Stone Circle’s feed using this URL.